
Dayyyy 3: Pet PEEvEs

Well this post could be FOREVER long because I am bugged by so many things. I think it even bugs me how much I let little things drive me nuts. I thought I'd just pick a few and tell you about them and then you can official think I'm crazy.

  • Wrappers. This is absolutely #1 on my list. I don't know what it is, but the sound of a wrapper just makes me want to run someone over. I know it's just a part of life...things need to be opened, but not when it's quiet (like in church) or in confined spaces (cars) and they should definitely not be opened by anyone under the age of 7 (little kids generally have a hard time getting things open--PLEASE do it for them. please please!!) I'm just not a fan of little plastic baggies (yuck, the word 'baggy' is on my 'peeves list too), brown paper bags that are crumpled, or those new chip bags-they aren't doing anyone a favor.
  • PeoPlE tHaT WRiTe LiKe tHIs orr thissss. Grow up.
  • Going to see a brand new movie. I've discovered that I can't handle this, no matter how great the movie is. It's just the silence mixed with the popcorn chewing/wrappers/and loud whispering. AHH!!!!
  • Socks. I really don't like to wear them or wash them or be touched by them. Eww!!


  • Rude people
  • Jocelyn's first pet peeve--why does this bug her so much?
  • Jerk drivers

Well obviously by this post I am definitely crazy. I mean who is bugged by socks? Just so you know I try my hardest not to let these things bother me. I usually just bite my tongue and deal with it. *even when my sister will find a wrapper and just crinkle it in her hand to drive me mad :)

p.s. An update from Eric; He is currently ranked #37 on the Seinfeld trivia app. Oooo impresive

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